Friday, March 25, 2016

Fiesta Feet Friday!

This week I started the heel flap for the Fiesta Feet sock.  I don't know how well you can see the pattern, but I really like it.  I think I have 16 more rows to go--it is so fun to work on, but you really have to pay attention.

Last night I realized I had a problem---I think I knitted the last row in the variegated color instead of the main color, so I tinked the cable row (ugh!) and re-knit.  I hope I did that right.  I just wish I had more time to knit!

Check out Judy L's Patchwork Times to see what is on everyone's needles!


  1. Looking good! Those colors are really popping, I see them just fine.

  2. Your socks are going to be so cool! This pattern looks really, really complicated to me! Can't wait to see the finish.

  3. Those are WOW socks. I love them.

  4. those colors are so rich with the black

  5. They do look like a fiesta for your feet... very cool! OH there is never enough knitting time, now is there...have a great weekend!

  6. I love those socks. I too wish there was more knitting time in my life. I'm still working on the same sock that I started in Jan.! Too much to do and so little time.
