Monday, April 11, 2016

Design Wall Monday--Splendid Sampler Progress

Well, I made some progress this week.  I re-did a couple of blocks, adding more pink.  Several of my guild friends are also participating in Pat Sloan's Splendid Sampler, and after seeing their beautiful blocks I knew I could do better. I re-did the Circle of Friends block and added the pink outer triangles.  It is much better now-my seam allowances were a little off and the block was a bit small.  I also added a pink heart in the Lots of Love (?) block.  Teresa said I needed more pink.  I think she was right.

I also unstitched the flower in the pot block--I sewed my petals too close together.  Maybe it will be back on the design wall next week.

I worked on the crochet/embroidery block while enroute to the GSQA Quilt Show in Slidell, LA on Saturday.  I am almost finished with that, but I need the "perfect" piece of fabric to applique one part and I am hoping the quilt shop will have it.  I went through my stash and I either used it all or didn't have what I am looking for.  It is one of those silvery-fossil fern tone on tone fabrics.  I will have to run by the quilt shop tomorrow.

I am really enjoying the Sampler so far.  I also encouraged my guild friends to post their progress on our guild facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. I heard the Slidell show was great. I hope you find the silvery fossil fern tone on tone fabric.
