Friday, August 12, 2016

Frog It Friday!

Well, I was so excited that I knit almost an entire hat on our road trip last weekend.  I'm knitting the Irish Hiking Hat aka 3AM Hat in this luscious Malabrigo . But it didn't feel quite right.  I love the yarn and cables, but....

So I checked the yarn ball tag.  DK weight, not worsted weight! Ugh. I used the worsted weight needle size and stitch count with a DK weight yarn.   ;(

So, this will be a big frog project this weekend.  So close!
I guess the bright side is that I enjoy the pattern and it is very easy to memorize.

Oh well!


  1. Oh I feel your pain. I don't think I could frog something that pretty and almost done. It would become a gift for a special person and I would start a new one. I love the pattern.

  2. Twice the fun to knit it again. That's what I love about knitting it takes no time at all ti rip unlike quilting. You can do it over and over until it's right. I'm going to look for that pattern
