Monday, August 1, 2016

My Weekend is Too short!!

I just can't fit everything in!!

I did get a little sewing done:
I finished the Row by Row for the Quilted Owl in New Orleans!  The shotgun house panel is all embroidery.  It took me almost a month, but I am happy it is done.  Last year their row was embroidery also, and I never did finish it. Maybe I am ready to assemble my rows now.  

I also made 5 pillow cases.  Three are for charity, the two MSU ones are for my youngest, he leaves for school in 10 days.  


  1. I haven't made it to the Quilted Owl yet. Soon. Love the MSU pillowcases.

  2. I was hesitant to start on the embroidery block, but I am glad I did. It really sharpened my rusty embroidery skills. It did consume a lot of time for a row by row though.
